Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How about a rap?

I was doing a little research on writing center promotion and I came across what seemed to me like a really cool poem. It was formatted like a poem, short lines and dashes dispersed throughout, but as I read this "poem" I realized that it was just a formatting issue and was really just an essay. Then it dawned on me-- someone should right a poem to advertise for the writing center. It should describe what the writing center is all about, where it is located, how to make an appointment, etc. Then I thought--poems are kind of boring, but raps are exciting! If I had any musical talent or the ability to rap I was make make my final project a rap about the writing center. So for anyone out there who might has knack for rap I think you should write one! I know there must be someone who hasn't written there project proposal yet so please use the idea!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds so fun, but like you, my musical talent does not extend to rapping. Maybe a musical jingle about the writing center would do?
