Tuesday, December 7, 2010

let's get to know other consultants

I am really looking forward to our final presentation/celebration. I haven't talked to many people about what their FAQ's will entail or if there are even any other group projects. I have really enjoyed our class and I think that everyone has a lot of valuable insight to offer. It seems like it's going to be a good time to get together, tie up loose ends and have a good time. I was thinking about how much I am going to miss everyone in our class and having great discussions about writing and how to help others. It occurred to me that there should be an opportunity for Writing Consultants to all come together and talk about their experiences. Maybe once a semester all the Consultants should come to have some sort or facilitated conversation--food and drink included obviously. I just think that we will all really be able to learn a lot from each other. Plus it will be a way for all of the consultants to get to know each other. After all, most us probably only know our class and few other Writing Consultants.

What do you guys thinks? Should we propose this?

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