Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Am I ready?

At the beginning of the semester I was a bit nervous about becoming a Writing Consultant. I remember my one and only experience with a writing consultant.  I wrote the first draft of my paper and brought it to the consultant. She gave me some advise and I took it! Part of the assignment was to hand in both our drafts and the final copy. After getting it back, my professor told me that my draft was better than the final product. Well so much for going to the Writing Consultant! (I should also note that this was at my previous school). I remember being really upset. I think that my worst fear is having that happen to a student that I work with. I don't think that is likely to happen though. After taking this class I feel that I have learned a vast knowledge about how to help different people with different needs. A really important part of a consultation is also asking the student what he or see is hoping to develop. That way you can help the student with what they know they need help with but also make casual suggestions. 

Do any of you have any fears about being a writing consultant? How about strengths? A strength that I think I have is my ability to get along well with people. I really like meeting new people and helping people!


  1. I also always feared that! I wonder, "What if I consult a paper, and the student still ends up not doing well!"

    Yet I also feel confident, especially after taking this course, that the instances of that happening will be very few!

  2. I am a little worried too mostly about getting a paper to consult about that I know nothing about. I could help someone with an English paper pretty easily but I am kind of afraid that someone is going to come in with like an upper level poly sci paper and I will have no idea where to start or what they are even talking about! Though I do feel confident in dealing with people and potentially dealing with some of the more difficult situations that might arise.

  3. I have so many fears about becoming a writing consultant: that my grammar is terrible, that I'll do more harm then good (much like what happened to you at your previous school), that I'll get a student who's intellect is much superior to my own...these are just a few. But I think what is important, at least for me, is to remember why I want to be a consultant in the first place, and that is to help people--which also I think is my strength. I think with just good intentions and my best effort I can help at least one student write a better paper, and that will be good enough for me.
