Monday, September 27, 2010

Thus far..

So far I feel that I have done a fair job in the class. I have been blogging at least once a week, but  I should increase that to two times a week to earn more points. I still have to earn 40 points to reach our mid-semester goal of 80 points. Now that I know how to easily access the other blogs I will have a much easier time commenting. I'll be able to earn more points that way as well. I also have my peer consulting coming up next week. I will feel relieved when that is done!

As much as I am enjoying this experience I do feel that it can be a little overwhelming at times. I have never had a class that does not have exact due dates so that causes so stress and a constant feeling of being unsure about whether you have something to do or not. At this point I think that I am on track and know what I have to get done.

The one thing that I find frustrating is the Digital Story. I'm struggling to understand how the creating a digital story relates to our greater goal of studying to become excellent writing consultants. While it is an interesting project and and a tech savvy way to communicate I am not looking forward to creating this project. It will be interested to see how I feel after I have completed the project. Will what I gain from the experience match the stress and effort put into this technological advanced mean of communication?

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