Monday, September 13, 2010

My sister got her good looks and smarts from me..

My sister is just so smart. She must have a great older sister who has influenced her in a profound way. Okay.. we'll maybe I shouldn't credit my sister's wonderfulness to me. But really... she is awesome.

Her first college writing assignment was assigned to her last week. She is in a really interested introductory English class called "Men in America". She was asked be write about how she first realized what gender was and how that has played a role in her life. She asked me to help her brainstorm with her when I visited her a last weekend at Wake Forest. Naturally I was hooked on her essay from the start.

When I first read her paper yesterday afternoon I was surprised and proud to see how well she developed her thougths and ideas since the time we first started to brainstorm a week ago. Needless to say I was impressed with my sisters work. I started by rereading the assignment and making sure that she addressed each component. She did address everything, but I thought she could ellaborate on one component. She agreed and told me that she had been toiling with that part of the paper and my reassurance was helpful.

The one thing that we both agreed that she needed help on was with her conclusion. She wasn't sure about was how to eloquently come to a close. She knew that recapping what she had already said would not be constructive, but found herself stuck with nothing else to say. I suggested that she leave the reader thinking more about the topic. Maybe bring up some additional questions that can be explored. We both thought that this work would really well for her topic. She hands in this rough draft on Tuesday. I am looking forward to hearing what her teacher has to say about it and then help her further on the final product.

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